Opening Times

Adventure Island opening hours

Please note that our opening times may be changed or altered at the discretion of our management team and are confirmed daily. To make doubly sure we’re operating as normal, please call the number below.


01702 443400

Opening Times

Adventure Island is open today, Sunday 28th April, and will be closing at 5pm. Adventure Inside will be closing at 6pm.
Adventure Inside is open from 11am daily.


Click on the calendar below to view opening hours for all our attractions.

Please note all of our attractions are closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Click on a calendar image below to enlarge.

Adventure Inside opening hours

Adventure Inside is open every day, excluding Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and may differ in closing time to Adventure Island when open.

On days where the main park is closed, but Adventure Inside remains open, the play area will open its doors from 11am daily, and the rides will open from 12pm.